Company Culture
  • Company Values

    Integrity / Responsibility / Passion / Striving

    Integrity / Responsibility / Passion / Striving

  • Company Mission

    Empower Global Trade

    Empower Global Trade


Empower global trade with leading technology and products


To become global largest and most respectable centennial international trade data company

Core Values


Company Culture

Respectful and Reliable; Cooperative and Creative; Excellent and Efficient

Operation Idea

Customer-Centered, Striver-Oriented, Win-Win with Cooperators

Management Idea

Based on the standardized, digital, intellectualized, systematic, scientific and humanized Big Data Technology

Code of Conduct

Confident and Self-Disciplined; Introspective and Self-Reliant;Lifelong Growth; Lifelong Study

Employment Guideline

Morality-Oriented. Morality outweighs capacity

Brand and Position

BTD: To be the first or the only; To be the best or unique.


BIG TRADE DATA, Empower Global Trade; BIG TRADE DATA, Facilitate Global Trade

Company Motto

We will spare no effort to win customers’ trust, social respect and employees’ pride.

Data-Empowered,From Now On!

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